Unparenthesized a ? b : c ? d : e is not supported.¶
The nested ternary operator requires a clear definition of priorities, by using parenthesis.
The code above could be understood as ($a ? $b : $c) ? $d : $e or $a ? $b : ($c ? $d : $e). Until PHP 8.0, the engine choose the second option; Since then, it must be explicitly written.
Note that, in the error message, the letters represent a full expression. They may be variables, as in the illustration, but any other expression.
$x = $a ? $b : $c ? $d : $e;
Write the expression as ($a ? $b : $c) ? $d : $e.
Write the expression as $a ? $b : ($c ? $d : $e).
Rewrite the expression as an if/then.