Object of class %s could not be converted to string


PHP reports that the object cannot be used as a string. Converting an object into a string is only possible when the magic method __toString() is implemented, or when the interface Stringable is implemented.

In that case, the object is automatically converted into a string, thanks to that method. Otherwise, it is a Fatal error.

This is a distinct error than passing an object in a string argument: in that case, it is a Type error.

A lot of native PHP classes support the conversion, but not all of them. Check for stringable interface before using them.



class Y { }

echo (new Y);

// X could also be implementing Stringable, to enforce the __toString() method
class X {
    function __construct(array $arg) {
        $this->a = $arg;

    function __toString(){
        return implode(', ', $this->arg);

// valid
echo (new X);

$array1 = [E::A];
$array2 = [E::B];
enum E: string {
    case A = 'a';
    case B = 'b';

// hidden necessary string conversion
array_intersect($array1, $array2); // also with other array_intersect* functions


Literal Examples

  • Object of class Y could not be converted to string

  • Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string


  • Implement the Stringable interface on the class, or its parent.

  • Implement the __toString method n the class, or its parent.

  • Call a method that returns a string, on that object.

  • Use print_r or var_dump to get the details inside the object.

See Also