Using $this when not in object context¶
A static method is also called a class method: it may be executed without a dedicated object. That object is usually made available in the method, via the pseudo variable $this.
Hence, when a method is marked as static, the variable $this is not made available, and cannot be used.
In the error message, the ‘object context’ refers to a class, enum or trait. $this must be localised inside such structures; even more, it is only used in the body of a method of such structure.
Inside a class, trait or enum, static methods, static closures and static arrow functions shall not use $this. The two last ones are marked also with the static keyword.
class X {
static function foo() { print $this; }
Make the method non-static, and use $this.
Keep the method static, and remove calls to $this.
Make the closure non-static.
Make the arrow function non-static.