Call to undefined function %s()


This error is displayed when the called function is not defined. There are many places in the code where a function may be defined: in the PHP core engine, in PHP extensions, in dependencies, in the current file, in an included file. Also, since PHP 8.0, a function, disabled with the disable_functions directive, is shown as undefined, rather than forbidden.





Literal Examples

  • Call to undefined function undefined_function()

  • Call to undefined function shell_exec()

  • Call to undefined function mb_substr()


  • The function has not been written in the code.

  • The function has not been included in the code before being called.

  • The function name has a typo.

  • The function is not defined in the current PHP version.

  • The function is not defined in any PHP extension version.

  • The function is not defined the current namespace, or the global namespace.

  • The use expression, used to import that function from another namespace, misses the function keyword: use foo as A instead of use function foo as A.

  • The function is actually a closure: a $ is missing: $variable(), instead of variable().

  • This is actually a constant, and extra () were added.

  • The function was disabled with disable_functions.

In previous PHP versions, this error message used to be %s() has been disabled for security reasons.