%s(): Argument #%d%s%s%s cannot be passed by reference


Passing a literal value, a constant or $GLOBALS where a reference is requested leads to this error.

For literal and constants, global or class, this is due to the value that can’t be modified. It must be put in a variable first.

For $GLOBALS, it is to prevent modifications of its values. It makes the error message a bit surprising. This doesn’t apply to other PHP variables.

A reference argument expected a variable, a property, static or not, or an array element. Usually, a variable is the best choice.



function foo(&$arg) {}

// passing a literal
// passing $GLOBALS

// trying to trim spaces on all GLOBALS
array_walk( $GLOBALS, trim(...));


Literal Examples

  • array_walk(): Argument #1 $GLOBALS cannot be passed by reference


  • Copy $GLOBALS to a variable and pass this variable.

  • Copy the constant value to a variable and pass this variable.

  • Copy the literal value to a variable and pass this variable.