PHP Error Messages¶
- “static::” is not allowed in compile-time constants
- $GLOBALS can only be modified using the $GLOBALS[$name] = $value syntax
- %d arguments are required, %d given
- %s” returned as member variable from __sleep() but does not exist
- “%s” will be interpreted as a class name. Did you mean “%s”? Write “%s”%s to suppress this warning
- %s%s%s() does not accept unknown named parameters
- %s%s%s(): Argument #%d%s%s%s must be passed by reference, value given
- %s%s%s(): Return value must be of type %s, %s returned
- %s():-Argument #%d%s%s%s cannot be passed by reference
- %s() expects exactly 0 arguments, %d given
- %s() has been disabled for security reasons
- %s(): Argument #%d%s%s%s cannot be passed by reference
- %s(): Argument #%d%s%s%s cannot not be passed by reference
- %s(): Argument #%d%s%s%s could not be passed by reference
- Implicitly marking parameter $%s as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead
- %s(): never-returning %s must not implicitly return
- %s(): Passing null to parameter #%d (%s) of type string is deprecated
- %s(): Returning by reference from a void function is deprecated
- %s %s cannot implement interface %s, extend Exception or Error instead
- %s %s cannot implement previously implemented interface %s
- %s %s inherits both %s::%s and %s::%s
- %s %s must implement interface %s as part of either %s or %s
- %s and %s define the same constant (%s) in the composition of %s. However, the definition differs and is considered incompatible. Class was composed
- %s cannot implement %s - it is not an interface
- %s cannot use %s - it is not a trait
- %s function %s::%s() cannot be declared private
- %s virtual property %s::$%s must not specify asymmetric visibility
- %s::%s() has #[Override] attribute, but no matching parent method exists
- %s::%s(): Return type must be %s when declared
- %s::%s cannot override final constant %s::%s
- %s::__sleep() should return an array only containing the names of instance-variables to serialize
- ‘%s’ not in the ‘loop’ or ‘switch’ context
- ‘%s’ operator accepts only positive integers
- ‘%s’ operator with non-integer operand
- ‘%s’ is an invalid class name
- ‘goto’ into loop or switch statement is disallowed
- ‘goto’ to undefined label ‘%s’
- ‘namespace%s’ is an invalid class name
- __autoload() is deprecated, use spl_autoload_register() instead
- __autoload() is no longer supported, use spl_autoload_register() instead
- __clone method called on non-object
- __sleep should return an array only containing the names of instance-variables to serialize.
- `%s’ is not a valid mode for fopen
- A class constant must not be called class. it is reserved for class name fetching
- A function with return type must return a value
- A never-returning %s must not return
- A never-returning function must not return
- A never-returning method must not return
- A non-numeric value encountered
- A non well formed numeric value encountered
- A void %s must not return a value
- Abstract property hook cannot have body
- Access level to %s::%s must be %s (as in %s %s)%s
- Access to undeclared static property %s::$%s
- Access type for interface constant %s::%s must be public
- Access type for interface method %s::%s() must be public
- Accessing static property %s::$%s as non static
- Accessing static trait property %s::$%s is deprecated, it should only be accessed on a class using the trait
- Accessing static trait property %s::$%s is deprecated
- An alias (%s) was defined for method %s(), but this method does not exist
- An alias was defined for %s::%s but this method does not exist
- An iterator cannot be used with foreach by reference
- Argument #%d ($%s) must be of type %s, %s given
- Argument #1 ($value) must contain at least one element
- Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated
- Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported
- Array callback has to contain indices 0 and 1
- Array to string conversion
- array_key_exists(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, %s given
- array_merge() does not accept unknown named parameters
- array_merge() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given
- array_product(): Multiplication is not supported on type array
- array_product(): Multiplication is not supported on type object
- array_product(): Multiplication is not supported on type string
- Assignments can only happen to writable values
- Attempt to assign property “%s” on null
- Attempt to read property “%s” on %s
- Attempt to unset static property %s::$%s
- Attribute “%s” cannot target %s (allowed targets: %s)
- Attribute class “%s” not found
- Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated
- b cannot implement a - it is not an interface
- break operator accepts only positive integers
- Call to %s %s::%s() from global scope
- Call to %s %s::%s() from invalid
- Call to %s method %s::%s() from %s%s
- Call to a member function %s() on %s
- Call to undefined function %s()
- Call to undefined function each()
- Call to undefined function exit()
- Call to undefined function
- Call to undefined method %s::%s()
- Calling get_class() without arguments is deprecated
- Calling get_parent_class() without arguments is deprecated
- Calling static trait method %s::%s is deprecated
- Can't inherit abstract function %s::%s() (previously declared abstract in %s)
- Can't use nullsafe operator in write context
- Can only flip string and integer values, entry skipped
- Can only throw objects
- Cannot %s readonly property %s::$%s from %s%s
- Cannot access %s const %s::%s
- Cannot access %s constant %s::%s
- Cannot access %s property %s::$%s
- Cannot access offset of type %s in isset or empty
- Cannot access offset of type %s on %s
- Cannot access parent:: when current class scope has no parent
- Cannot access parent:: when no class scope is active
- Cannot access self:: when no class scope is active
- Cannot access static:: when no class scope is active
- Cannot access trait constant %s::%s directly
- Cannot acquire reference to $GLOBALS
- Cannot acquire reference to readonly property
- Cannot acquire reference to readonly property %s::$%s
- Cannot apply #[AllowDynamicProperties] to readonly class %s
- Cannot assign %s to class constant %s::%s of type
- Cannot assign %s to property %s::$%s of type %s
- Cannot assign an empty string to a string offset
- Cannot auto-initialize an array inside property %s::$%s of type %s
- cannot be a class constant
- cannot be LC_ALL
- cannot be null when argument #1 ($objectOrMethod) is an object
- Cannot bind an instance to a static closure
- Cannot call constructor
- Cannot combine named arguments and argument unpacking
- Cannot declare hooks for static property
- Cannot declare promoted property in an abstract constructor
- Cannot declare promoted property outside a constructor
- Cannot declare self-referencing constant
- Cannot declare variadic promoted property
- Cannot inherit previously-inherited or override constant %s from interface %s
- Cannot instantiate enum %s
- Cannot instantiate interface %s
- Cannot instantiate trait %s
- Cannot load module “%s” because required module “%s” is not loaded
- Cannot make non abstract method %s::%s() abstract in class %s
- Cannot mix keyed and unkeyed array entries in assignments
- Cannot modify readonly property %s::$%s
- Cannot override final %s::%s() with %s::%s()
- Cannot override final property hook %s::%s()
- Cannot pass parameter %d by reference
- Cannot perform bitwise not on %s
- Cannot re-assign $this
- Cannot re-assign auto-global variable %s
- Cannot redeclare %s() (previously declared in %s:%d)
- Cannot redeclare %s::%s()
- Cannot redeclare function %s() (previously declared in %s:%d)
- Cannot redeclare property hook
- Cannot redefine class constant
- Cannot specify default value for virtual hooked property
- Cannot throw objects that do not implement Throwable
- Cannot unpack array with string keys
- Cannot unset $this
- Cannot unset hooked property %s::$%s
- Cannot unset offset in a non-array variable
- Cannot unset string offsets
- Cannot use “%s” when no class scope is active
- Cannot use “static” when no class scope is active
- Cannot use %s as default value for parameter $%s of type %s
- Cannot use %s as default value for property %s::$%s of type %s
- Cannot use ‘abstract’ as constant modifier
- Cannot use ‘abstract’ as method modifier
- Cannot use ‘final’ as constant modifier
- Cannot use ‘final’ as method modifier
- Cannot use ‘mixed’ as class name as it is reserved
- Cannot use ‘never’ as class name as it is reserved
- Cannot use ‘readonly’ as method modifier
- Cannot use ‘static’ as constant modifier
- Cannot use ‘static’ as method modifier
- Cannot use ::class with dynamic class name
- Cannot use [] for reading
- Cannot use a scalar value as an array
- Cannot use empty array elements in arrays
- Cannot use empty array entries in keyed array assignment
- Cannot use empty list
- Cannot use isset() on the result of an expression (you can use “null !== expression” instead)
- Cannot use lexical variable %s as a parameter name
- Cannot use list() as standalone expression
- Cannot use object of type %s as array
- Cannot use object of type stdClass as array
- Cannot use positional argument after argument unpacking
- Cannot use positional argument after named argument during unpacking
- Cannot use positional argument after named argument
- Cannot use string offset as an array
- Cannot use string offset as an object
- Cannot use temporary expression in write context
- Cannot use the %s modifier on a %s
- Cannot use the abstract modifier on a property hook
- Cannot use the abstract modifier on a property
- Property cannot be both final and private
- Cannot use try without catch or finally
- Cannot use variable $%S twice
- Case %s::%s does not exist
- Class “%s” not found
- Class %s cannot extend %s %s
- Class %s cannot extend final class %s
- Class %s cannot implement both Iterator and IteratorAggregate at the same time
- Class %s cannot implement previously implemented interface %s
- Class %s contains %d abstract method%s and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods
- Class %s is not a trait, Only traits may be used in ‘as’ and ‘insteadof’ statements
- Class %s must implement interface %s as part of either %s or %s
- Class constant %s::%s cannot have type %s
- Class declarations may not be nested
- Classes must be first marked as attribute before being able to be registered as internal attribute class
- Constant %s already defined
- Constant %s is deprecated
- Constant %s::%s is deprecated
- Constant expression contains invalid operations
- Constructor %s::%s() cannot declare a return type
- Constructors cannot declare a return type
- continue” targeting switch is equivalent to “break
- continue operator accepts only positive integers
- Could not check compatibility between %s and %s, because class %s is not available
- Could not find trait %s
- Couldn’t open stream %s
- Couldn’t open stream: %s
- Creating default object from empty value
- Creation of dynamic property %s::$%s is deprecated
- DateTimeInterface can’t be implemented by user classes
- Declaration of %s must be compatible with %s
- Declaration of %s::%s() must be compatible with %s::%s()
- Declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported
- Default value for parameters with a %s type can only be %s or NULL
- Default value for property of type int may not be null. Use the nullable type ?int to allow null default value
- define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported
- define(): Declaration of case-insensitive constants is deprecated
- Defining a custom assert() function is not allowed,
- Delimiter must not be alphanumeric, backslash, or NUL byte
- Delimiter must not be alphanumeric, backslash, or NUL
- Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash
- Destructors cannot declare a return type
- Division of PHP_INT_MIN by -1 is not an integer
- Duplicate declaration of static variable $%s
- Duplicate named parameter $%s
- Duplicate type %s is redundant
- Empty delimiter
- Entry %s does not exist and cannot be deleted
- Enum “%s” not found
- Enum %s cannot include magic method %s
- Enum %s cannot include properties
- Enum backing type must be int or string
- Enum case type %s does not match enum backing type %s
- Enum case value must be compile-time evaluatable
- Error at offset %zd of %zd
- exponent cannot have a fractional part
- Failed to open stream from socketpair
- Fetching properties on non-enums in constant expressions is not allowed
- FFI API is restricted by “ffi.enable” configuration directive
- Filename cannot be empty
- foreach() argument must be of type array|object
- Generator return type must be a supertype of Generator
- Generators cannot return values using “return”
- get_called_class() must be called from within a class
- get_defined_functions(): Setting $exclude_disabled to false has no effect
- Handling Base64 via mbstring is deprecated; use base64_encode/base64_decode instead
- Handling HTML entities via mbstring is deprecated; use htmlspecialchars, htmlentities, or mb_encode_numericentity/mb_decode_numericentity
- Handling QPrint via mbstring is deprecated; use quoted_printable_encode/quoted_printable_decode
- Handling Uuencode via mbstring is deprecated; use convert_uuencode/convert_uudecode instead
- has #[Override] attribute, but no matching parent method exists
- Hooked properties cannot be readonly
- Illegal class name
- Illegal offset type in isset or empty
- Illegal offset type in unset
- Illegal offset type
- illegal string offset
- Implicit conversion from float-string “%s” to int loses
- Increment on type bool has no effect, this will change in the next major version of PHP
- Index invalid or out of range
- Indirect modification of overloaded element of %s has no effect
- Indirect modification of overloaded property %s::$%s has no effect
- instanceof expects an object instance, constant given
- Interface “%s” not found
- Interface %s cannot contain non abstract method %s()
- Interfaces may not include properties
- Interfaces may only include hooked properties
- Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
- Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored
- Invalid numeric literal
- Invalid UTF-8 codepoint escape
- Invalid UTF-8 codepoint escape: Codepoint too large
- ‘%s’ is an invalid class name
- is an invalid offset
- is not a valid codepoint
- jump into a finally block is disallowed
- jump out of a finally block is disallowed
- Keys must be of type int|string during array unpacking
- Label ‘%s’ already defined
- Match expressions may only contain one default arm
- Maximum depth of %d exceeded. The depth limit can be changed using the max_depth unserialize() option
- Maximum execution time of %d second%s exceeded
- Method %s::%s() cannot be static
- Method %s::%s() cannot declare a return type
- Method %s::%s() must be static
- Method %s::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught %s: %s
- Method name must be a string
- Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; %s has a deprecated constructor
- Multiple access type modifiers are not allowed
- Multiple readonly modifiers are not allowed
- Multiple static modifiers are not allowed
- must be a user-defined class name, internal class name given
- must be a valid comparison operator
- must be a valid encoding, “%s” given
- must be a valid method name
- must be a valid rounding mode (RoundingMode::*)
- %s(): Argument #%d ($%s) must be contained in argument #%d ($%s)
- must be of type %s, %s given
- must be one of PGSQL_ASSOC, PGSQL_NUM, or PGSQL_BOTH
- must contain at least one element
- Must not use parent::$%s::%s() in a different property ($%s)
- Must not use parent::$%s::%s() in a different property hook (%s)
- Must not use parent::$%s::%s() outside a property hook
- Named parameter $%s overwrites previous argument
- Namespace declarations cannot be nested
- needle is not a string or an integer
- Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency?
- never cannot be used as a parameter type
- never-returning function must not implicitly return
- New expressions are not supported in this context
- No code may exist outside of namespace {}
- No ending delimiter ‘%c’ found
- No such file or directory
- Non-abstract method %s::%s() must contain body
- Non-abstract property hook must have a body
- Non-enum class %s cannot implement interface %s
- Non-static method %s::%s() cannot be called statically
- Non-static method %s::%s() should not be called statically
- Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
- Object of class %s could not be converted to %s
- Object of class %s could not be converted to bool
- Object of class %s could not be converted to float
- Object of class %s could not be converted to int
- Object of class %s could not be converted to string
- Object of type %s has not been correctly initialized by calling parent::__construct() in its constructor
- Object of type %s is not callable
- Octal escape sequence overflow %s is greater than 377
- Only hooked properties may be declared abstract
- Only internal classes can be registered as compiler attribute
- Only the first byte will be assigned to the string offset
- Only variable references should be returned by reference
- Only variable references should be yielded by reference
- Only variables can be passed by reference
- Only variables should be passed by reference
- Optional parameter %s declared before required parameter %s is implicitly treated as a required parameter
- Parameter %d must be passed by reference
- Parameter uses ‘parent’ as type hint although class does not have a parent!
- Passing false or null is deprecated since 8.4
- Passing the encoding as third parameter is deprecated. Use an explicit zero offset
- Path cannot be empty
- Path must not be empty
- Power of base 0 and negative exponent is deprecated
- Private constant %s::%s cannot be final as it is not visible to other classes
- Private methods cannot be final as they are never overridden by other classes
- Property %s does not exist
- Property %s::$%s cannot have type %s
- Property %s::$%s does not exist
- Property cannot be both final and private
- Property hook cannot be both abstract and private
- Property hook cannot be both final and private
- Property hook list must not be empty
- Property with asymmetric visibility %s::$%s must have type
- Property x::$p cannot have type void
- Readonly class %s cannot use trait with a non-readonly property %s::$%s
- Readonly class Bar cannot extend non-readonly class Foo
- Readonly property %s::$%s cannot have default value
- Redefinition of parameter $%s
- Required parameter $%s follows optional parameter $%s
- Required Trait %s wasn’t added to %s
- Return type of %s::%s() should either be compatible with %s::%s(): mixed
- Return value of %s%s%s() must %s%s%s, %s%s returned
- Returning bool from comparison function is deprecated, return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero
- Returning bool from comparison function is deprecated
- Returning by reference from a void function is deprecated
- Security level must be one of “noAuthNoPriv”, “authNoPriv”, or “authPriv”
- Security protocol must be one of “AES128”, or “AES E_ERROR
- Security protocol must be one of “DES”, “AES128”, or “AES E_ERROR
- Spread operator is not supported in assignments
- Static function %s%s%s() cannot be abstract
- Static property %s::$%s cannot be readonly
- strict_types declaration must be the very first statement in the script
- Switch statements may only contain one default clause
- syntax error, unexpected ‘)’, expecting ‘|’ or variable (T_VARIABLE)
- syntax error, unexpected ‘)’, expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
- syntax error, unexpected ‘,’
- syntax error, unexpected ‘-’, expecting ‘=’
- syntax error, unexpected '::', expecting '('
- syntax error, unexpected ‘;’, expecting ‘[’
- syntax error, unexpected ‘[’, expecting ‘;’ or ‘,’
- syntax error, unexpected ‘|’, expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)
- syntax error, unexpected end of file
- syntax error, unexpected fully qualified name “%s”, expecting “{”
- syntax error, unexpected fully qualified name “XXX”, expecting “{”
- syntax error, unexpected identifier “%s”, expecting “,” or “;”
- syntax error, unexpected identifier “%s”, expecting variable
- syntax error, unexpected single quoted string “%s”, expecting “)”
- syntax error, unexpected string content
- syntax error, unexpected token “#[”, expecting “,” or “;”
- syntax error, unexpected token “%”
- syntax error, unexpected token “%s”, expecting identifier
- syntax error, unexpected token “&”, expecting end of file
- syntax error, unexpected token “&”
- syntax error, unexpected token “(”, expecting identifier or variable or “{” or “$”
- syntax error, unexpected token “(”
- syntax error, unexpected token “)”, expecting “=”
- syntax error, unexpected token “)”, expecting “function” or “fn” or “static” or “#[”
- syntax error, unexpected token “)”
- syntax error, unexpected token “*”
- syntax error, unexpected token “,”, expecting “]”
- syntax error, unexpected token “,”, expecting variable or “$”
- syntax error, unexpected token “,”, expecting variable
- syntax error, unexpected token “->”, expecting “,” or “;”
- syntax error, unexpected token “->”
- syntax error, unexpected token “:”, expecting “]”
- syntax error, unexpected token “:”
- syntax error, unexpected token “::”, expecting “,” or “;”
- syntax error, unexpected token “::”
- syntax error, unexpected token “;”, expecting “)”
- syntax error, unexpected token “;”, expecting “,” or “)”
- syntax error, unexpected token “;”, expecting “->” or “?->” or “[”
- syntax error, unexpected token “;”, expecting “->” or “?->” or “{” or “[”
- syntax error, unexpected token “;”, expecting “]”
- syntax error, unexpected token “;”, expecting “function” or “fn” or “static” or “#[”
- syntax error, unexpected token “;”, expecting “{”
- syntax error, unexpected token “;”, expecting identifier
- syntax error, unexpected token “;”
- syntax error, unexpected token “<<”
- syntax error, unexpected token “=”, expecting identifier or variable or “{” or “$”
- syntax error, unexpected token “=”, expecting identifier
- syntax error, unexpected token “=”, expecting variable
- syntax error, unexpected token “=”
- syntax error, unexpected token “?”
- syntax error, unexpected token “?->”, expecting “,” or “;”
- syntax error, unexpected token “?->”
- syntax error, unexpected token “??”
- syntax error, unexpected token “]”
- syntax error, unexpected token “__NAMESPACE__”, expecting “(”
- syntax error, unexpected token “as”
- syntax error, unexpected token “break”
- syntax error, unexpected token “class”, expecting-“]”
- syntax error, unexpected token “continue”
- syntax error, unexpected token “exit”
- syntax error, unexpected token “extends”, expecting “{”
- syntax error, unexpected token “if”, expecting “)”
- syntax error, unexpected token “if”, expecting “]”
- syntax error, unexpected token “if”
- syntax error, unexpected token “match”
- syntax error, unexpected token “namespace”, expecting “{”
- syntax error, unexpected token “namespace”
- syntax error, unexpected token “use”, expecting “,” or “;”
- syntax error, unexpected token “use”, expecting “{”
- syntax error, unexpected token “use”
- syntax error, unexpected token “{”
- syntax error, unexpected token “}”
- the $escape parameter must be provided as its default value will change
- The (real) cast operator has been removed, use (float) instead. Both operator looked like synonyms, and were providing the same feature.
- The (real) cast is deprecated, use (float) instead
- The (unset) cast is deprecated
- The (unset) cast is no longer supported
- The “Generator” class is reserved for internal use and cannot be manually instantiated
- The behavior of unparenthesized expressions containing both ‘.’ and ‘+’/’-’ will change in PHP 8: ‘+’/’-’ will take a higher precedence
- The behavior of unparenthesized expressions containing both ‘.’ and ‘>>’/’<<’ will change in PHP 8: ‘<<’/’>>’ will take a higher precedence
- The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls
- The magic method %s::%s() must have public visibility
- The parent constructor was not called: the object is in an invalid state
- Too few arguments to function %s%s%s(), %d passed and %s %d expected
- Too few arguments to function %s%s%s(), %d passed and %s %d
- Too few arguments to function %s%s%s(), %d passed in %s on line %d and %s %d expected
- Too few arguments
- Trait “%s” not found
- Trait method %s::%s has not been applied as %s::%s
- Traits cannot have constants
- Trying to access array offset on %s
- Trying to clone an uncloneable object of class %s
- Trying to invoke %s method %s::%s() from scope %s
- Type %c: unknown format code
- Type %s contains both iterable and array, which is redundant
- Type contains both true and false, bool must be used instead
- Type declaration ‘%s’ must be unqualified
- Type must be a single character
- Type of %s::$%s must be %s%s (as in class %s)
- Type of %s::$%s must not be defined (as in class %s)
- Typed property %s::$%s must not be accessed before initialization
- Typed static property %s::$%s must not be accessed before initialization
- Unbacked enum %s cannot be converted to a string
- Unclosed '(' does not match ']'
- Unclosed ‘(’
- Unclosed ‘[’
- Unclosed ‘{’
- Undefined array key
- Undefined class constant ‘%s::%s’
- Undefined constant “%s
- Undefined constant %s::%s
- Undefined offset
- Undefined property %s::$%s
- Undefined variable
- Unhandled match case %s
- Uninitialized string offset
- Unknown format specifier “%c
- Unknown hook “%s” for property %s::$%s, expected “get” or “set”
- Unknown named parameter $%s
- unlink of “%s” failed, file does not exist
- Unmatched ‘)’
- Unmatched ‘]’
- Unmatched ‘}’
- Unparenthesized a ? b : c ? d : e is not supported.
- Unsupported declare '%s'
- Unsupported operand types
- Unterminated comment starting line %d
- Use of “parent” in callables is deprecated
- Use of “self” in callables is deprecated
- Use of “static” in callables is deprecated
- Using $this when not in object context
- Using ${expr} (variable variables) in strings is deprecated, use {${expr}} instead
- Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead
- Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated.
- Value of type %s is not callable
- Visibility of property %s::$%s must not be weaker than set visibility
- void cannot be used as a parameter type
- Wrong encoding, conversion from “%s” to “%s” is not allowed