Array to string conversion


This error appears when an array is converted into a string, without a proper type cast. For example, in the illustration code, the array is directly used with echo, which requires a string, as argument. The result of this expression is Array.

This error may be a sub-part of other operations, that also requires strings. This is the second example, with implode() : the source of the error lies in the elements of the array. They are supposed to be strings, so as to be concatenated with the separator; but one of them is also an array, leading to the error.

This error is not affected by strict_types: it is always emits the same error.



echo ['a'];

echo implode(',', [1, 2, ['c']]);



  • Convert the array to a string first.

  • Extract one (or more) entries from the array, as long as they are strings.

  • Force the array to a string with cast (although it will produce the Array string).

  • Use a method that accept strings and arrays.

See Also