Cannot auto-initialize an array inside property %s::$%s of type %s


The last command is using the array syntax on the property $property. In fact, the property is of type bool.

If this was a variable, this would be tolerated, but it cannot happen on a property, which enforces the types at all times.

Indeed, if the union type bool|array is used, the automatic conversion to array is reported.

When the type of the property is string, the array syntax is partially supported: it works with integer index, and fails with strings.



class X {
    public bool $property = false;

$x = new X;
$x->property[4] = 3;


Literal Examples

  • Cannot auto-initialize an array inside property X::$property of type bool

  • Cannot auto-initialize an array inside property X::$property of type int


  • Convert the type of the property to array.

  • Create a distinct property, with the array type, to use the array syntax.