Call to undefined function


This error appears when calling a function that is not defined.

There should be a function definition in the code, and that definition must be included in the code before it is called. The presence of a function may be tested with the function_exists() function.

The function may be defined in a PHP extension, or its core: then, the function has no explicit definition. Its existence may be checked with a call to get_defined_function(), which lists all the functions, at the execution point.

A function may be disabled in the PHP.ini, using the disabled_functions directive. Then, the function is totally unknown by PHP, and it may even be redefined.

Language constructs, such as exit and die, are not functions, and some features, such as calling them from a string, is not possible until PHP 8.4.

The function might be defined in a different namespace, or its import might be missing.



// calling a function before it is defined

function foo() {}

try {
     //Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function \exit()
    $s = 'exit';
} catch(Error) {
    print "No such function as $s";



  • Check the spelling of the function name.

  • Check the version of PHP, or its extensions: some functions are defined in specific versions, or later.

  • Check the namespace of the called function: it might not be available in the current namespace, or in the global namespace.

  • Check the use expression at the beginning of the file: the import expression might be missing.

  • Use the function_exists() function before calling a function whose name is stored in a variable.

  • Use a try/catch around the function call, and catch Error (not exceptions).