Invalid numeric literal


This error reports an invalid number, hardcoded in the source code.

Numbers are written with digits, without delimiters such as simple or double quotes. Then, they are converted in PHP’s internal representation of a number, and this is where error may arise.

In particular, integers have an upper and lower limit, PHP_INT_MAX and PHP_INT_MIN. Although, in that case, they are turned into a float, with loss of precision but no warning.

Then, PHP supports binary, octal and hexadecimal format. In the case above, the o signals an octal number, written with digits from 0 to 7. 8 is not allowed, and is not parsed by PHP.

This is also the case for illegal characters in binary (anything other than 1 and 0), or hexadecimal (anything other than digits, and letters from a and f).

An old convention was to consider octal any number that starts with a leading 0.



echo 0o78;

echo 078;



  • Fix the number and use valid digits.

  • Drop the initial 0 to make the number decimal, not octal.

  • Add quotes to make this number a string, not a parsed number.