is an invalid offset


The requested value could not be found in the underlying array.

Indeed, the SplDoublyLinkedList has only 3 elements, none with the 4 index.

The problem also arise when using add method, with an index that is negative, or beyond the current last element of the list.

Traditional PHP array do not report this error: they return null, with the Undefined array key warning.



$a = new SplDoublyLinkedList();
$array = [1,2,3];

foreach($array as $k => $v){

    // error when writing on an index out of bound
    // the first $k + 1 is beyond the count of the list (0), and fails.
    $a->add($k + 1,$v);

// error when accessing an index out of bound
print $a[4];


Literal Examples

  • SplDoublyLinkedList::add(): Argument #1 ($index) is out of range


  • Check that the index in positive, and below the current number of elements in the list.