Class “%s” not found¶
This error message is reported when the class could not be loaded, or when the name of the class is invalid.
It also appears when unserializing an enumeration: PHP cannot distinguish a class constant or an enumeration case, so it reports a class error. Yet, this is the enuneration missing.
// No x definition in the code
new X;
// it is not possible to have a class with the name '4f'
// it is not possible to have a class with the name 'class'
// it is not possible to have static, self or parent in a string to call a method
// unserializing an enumeration, but no such enumration.
Literal Examples¶
Class “x” not found
Class “4f” not found
Class “class” not found
Check spelling and namespace for that class.
Create the required class.
Check if the class is defined in an extension, and the extension is included in the current PHP engine.
Check if the class is defined in a dependency, and the dependency is included in the current composer.json.
Avoid using getInstance() on that attribute.
Do not use static, parent or self in a string to call a method statically.
Check that the enumeration is loaded.