%s %s must implement interface %s as part of either %s or %s¶
It is not possible to implement directly the mentionned interface. That interface is actually implemented by a selection of PHP native classes: these classes may be extended, and, as such, the children classes also implements the initial interface.
This error message is applicable to a few PHP native interfaces, such as Throwable
(via Error
and Exception
) and Traversable
(via Iterator
and IteratorAggregate
enum E implements Traversable {}
class X implements Throwable {}
Literal Examples¶
Enum Foo must implement interface Traversable as part of either Iterator or IteratorAggregate
Class X cannot implement interface Throwable, extend Exception or Error instead
Extends one of the classes mentionned in the error message.
Remove the implementats and its interface.
In previous PHP versions, this error message used to be Class %s must implement interface %s as part of either %s or %s.