Only the first byte will be assigned to the string offset


The array notation is available with strings, to both write and read. When writing to a string, the new assigned character must be a single character, and even, a single byte. This means that it is not possible to replace multiple characters, or to inject a longer string inside another one with such syntax.

As a side effect, this also applies to multi-byte characters: since they are represented on two, or more, characters, they cannot be injected in such syntax.



$string = 'abc';
$string[3] = 'd';
// abcd
$string[4] = 'ef';
// warning
// abcde
$string[5] = '我'; // multi-byte character
// warning
// abcde� // <- invisible character at the end of the string



  • Use preg_replace() or str_replace() to inject more than one character.

  • Splice the string and insert the new string in-between: substr($string, 0, $x).$newString.substr($string,$x+1).