%s():-Argument #%d%s%s%s cannot be passed by reference


This error is emitted when a literal value is used instead of a data container, such as a variable, or a property.

In the illustration here, the operator -> returns a property, which can be used with a reference. On the other hand, the null-safe operator ?-> cannot be used, as it may return the property or a null literal. Hence, ?-> always returns by value, and cannot be used with references.



function foo(&$a) {}

$object = (object) ['b' => 1] ;
foo($object->b); // OK, $

foo($object?->b); // KO : ?-> returns a value
foo($object?->a); // KO : NULL

Literal Examples

  • foo(): argument $a cannot be passed by reference


  • Turn the ?-> into a ->.

  • Remove the reference in the method signature.

  • Store the result in a local variable, and use it in the call.

In more recent PHP versions, this error message is now %s(): Argument #%d%s%s%s could not be passed by reference.